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National Sport Research Agenda



The Register of Sport Research (Register) lists planned, current and completed Australian sport research.

It provides an opportunity for those commissioning or completing research to share project details with the sector, and for the sector to search for emerging research to help expand the evidence base for sport.

Research projects included are not representative views or endorsements of the Clearinghouse’s partner agencies.

Please note the Register is in BETA development. New projects and elements are still being included.


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135 results found:
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Title Year Commenced Organisation name
Surfing Economics: understanding the value of surfing to Australian economy and society
Surfing is among the top-five nature-based activities in Australia, and the second most practiced water-based sport, only after swimming. Current participation is 3.3% of the adult population, up from 2.1% in 2018. Surfing has been found to attract faster economic...
2023 Australian National University
A qualitative thematic analysis of elite athletes’ experience of persisting symptoms in chronic low back pain
This qualitative study aims to describe the lived experience of elite Australian athletes who develop persisting LBP symptoms (> three months).
2023 LaTrobe Sport and Exercise Medicine Research Centre (LASEM)
Understanding parental psychological abuse in youth sport
The aim of this project is to understand the perceptions and psychosocial impact of parental psychological abuse in youth sport and identify the thematic construction, maintenance, and perpetuation of psychological abuse in youth sport. This project will specifically extend my...
2023 Flinders University
Framework for the national sports injury data collection asset
A foundation for data development includes a framework to recommend best practice to collect useful data and help navigate data collection and use processes. The framework will provide a uniform reference for best practices for data collection, governance, consent, privacy,...
2023 Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
Engaging Outsiders in Sport: Co-Creating Inclusive Legacies for the 2032 Games
This project aims to address inequities in sport participation for girls, women and non-binary people in Queensland. With planning underway for the 2032 Brisbane Olympic and Paralympic Games, this project aims to influence and guide equitable and inclusive sport participation...
2023 Griffith University
Analysis of training load for junior endurance cyclists
This project will gather training data from junior endurance cyclists. The data will be analysed to ascertain periodised training volume and intensity; and compared with results in national competition to identify training characteristics of successful junior endurance cyclists.
2023 University of Canberra Research Institute for Sport and Exercise
The Value of You Can Be What You Can See Report
To quantify the opportunity of investing into the visibility of women’s elite sport, the Victorian Government’s Office for Women in Sport and Recreation (OWSR) commissioned a study delivered by Gemba in 2023. This analysis forms part of the Change Our...
2023 Office for Women in Sport and Recreation
Shaping attitudes: Exposure to women coaches and officials influences children and parent perceptions
The aims of this project were to investigate: 1. Existing attitudes: towards women as coaches and officials 2. Factors influencing attitudes: towards women as coaches and officials 3. Differences in attitudes: towards women as coaches and officials between children and...
2023 Victoria University
An Ecological Analysis of Return to Sport Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury (ACL) of the Knee
The purpose of this research is help identify key risk predictors for poor outcomes following ACL injury of the knee. These outcomes are defined as an inability to return to the participant’s pre-injury level of activity, and/or further injury to...
2023 Pitch Ready
Performance, profiling and tapering in elite female swimmers
Research will address the interpretability and practical application of sports science support particularly automated analyses of training load data. The project would be cross-disciplinary in nature including the areas of sports performance, physiology, performance analysis, coaching science, athlete health, and...
2023 University of Canberra Research Institute for Sport and Exercise

The Register is part of activating the National Sport Research Agenda, and enabling a more coordinated and aligned sport research effort for sporting organisations, academics, researchers, research funding bodies, and governments across Australia.

If you have any questions about the Register of Sport Research or adding a research project please contact the Clearinghouse team.

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