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Volunteers in Sport

Volunteer management

Volunteer involvement in an organisation needs to be planned to ensure that their input meets the goals and objectives of the organisation, and that volunteers are managed in accordance with best practice principles, including suitable recognition and appreciation and appropriate training and supervision. 1, 2, 3, 4, 8

Sport Volunteer Resource Hub

The Australian Sports Commission and Sport Volunteer Coalition have collaborated to establish the Sport Volunteer Resource Hub, gathering essential resources, tools, and practical advice in one location. These materials aim to support efforts in recruiting, retaining, and appreciating volunteers within clubs and the wider community sports network.

The hub includes information on:

Planning and support

Policies, guidelines, and resources

National policies and guidelines have been developed to act as resources for organisations to effectively manage volunteers.


The motivation and management of event volunteers can be different to those who volunteer regularly in sport.

  1. National Standards for Volunteer Involvement, Volunteering Australia, (2015).
  2. Managing sport volunteers with a disability: Human resource management implications, Pam Kappelides, Jennifer Spoor, Sport Management Review, Volume 22(5), pp.694-707, (November 2019).
  3. The impact of organizational capacity on voluntary engagement in sports clubs: A multi-level analysis, Philipp Swierzy, Pamela Wicker, Christoph Breuer, Sport Management Review, Volume 21(3), pp.307-320, (June 2018).
  4. The great (volunteer) resignation: An evidence-based strategy for retaining volunteers, Vivien Forner, Djurre Holtrop, Darja Kragt, et al., Volunteering Australia, (September 2022).
  5. Volunteering Strategy for the Olympic and Paralympic Games Tokyo 2020, Tokyo Metropolitan Government and Tokyo Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games (Tokyo 2020), (December 2016).
  6. Surviving and Thriving from the Volunteer Involvement in Mega-Sport Events, Tracey Dickson, Simon Darcy, Volunteering Australia, (November 2022).
  7. A systematic review of motivation of sport event volunteers, Kim, Eunjung, World Leisure Journal, Volume 60(4), pp.306-329, (2018).
  8. Sport Volunteering in Europe: Realities, opportunities and challenges, V4V: Skills acquired through volunteering in sport project, European Observatoire of Sport and Employment, (October 2023).


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