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National sport and physical activity participation

Children 0-14 living in a household where a language other than English is spoken

According to the 2021 Census there are 1.2 million children 0-14 in Australia who live in a household where a language other than English (LOTE) is spoken *. AusPlay has collected information about more than 5,000 children in LOTE households.

The following pages tell us more about how children 0-14 in Australia who live in a LOTE household participate in sport and physical activity and how, if at all, that has changed.

The graphs on this webpage use these symbols to highlight statistically significant changes in the last year:

  • Statistically significant increase since 2021–22
  • Statistically significant decrease since 2021–22

*Based on the assumption that when the parent/guardian says they speak a language other than English at home, the whole household is classified as LOTE.

Headline indicators

Participate in organised outside-of-school hours sport or physical activity 1+ per week

2022-23 52% [476,000]

Participate in organised outside-of-school hours sport-related activity 1+ per week

2022-23 51% [464,000]

Participate through a sports club or association 1+ per year

2022-23 36% [324,000]

What’s changed?

Since 2021-22, regular participation among children 0-14 living in LOTE households has increased, including through sports clubs/associations.

All participation rates 2016–17 to 2022–23

Frequency of participation

1+ per week.

Most popular sport and non-sport-related activities 2022–23

Estimated number of participants
Children 0-14 in LOTE households

Activities with estimates of less than 40,000 not shown.

Further information

Any questions or requests for further information about AusPlay can be directed to the Insights team at the Australian Sports Commission.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

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