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Performance Under Pressure - Q&A with Iryna Dvoskina, Evan O’Hanlon and Scott Reardon


20 Nov 2017


Tim Gavel, ABC Grandstand


In the last presentation for the year on the notion of ‘Performance Under Pressure’, this Q&A will delve into the high performance thinking of one of the most successful international coaches of all time, and get the views of two of her most successful athletes. By any measure, Iryna Dvoskina’s coaching record is a remarkable reflection of someone who is able to prepare athletes to regularly and consistently perform under pressure on the international stage. With over 50 international medals won for Australia, including 29 Paralympic medals, of which 12 are Gold Medals, the success of Iryna’s athletes is testament to a coach who leaves no stone unturned in the pursuit of excellence. Two of her athletes, Evan O’Hanlon (5 Paralympic Gold, 8 World Championship Gold) and Scott Reardon (1 Paralympic Gold and 3 World Championship Gold) are responsible for 23 international medals combined for Australia.

In this unique Q&A, Iryna, Evan and Scott will discuss their high performance environment, and how they are able to consistently perform under pressure.

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