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Performance testing reliability - Is this a missing link?


16 Oct 2017


Mr Graham Dudley, CEO, Global Performance Testing International Limited
Prof. Hans Westerbeek, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Victoria University & Dean, College of Sport, Exercise Science and the Institute of Sport, Exercise and Active Living (ISEAL)


Sport performance testing is commonly used professionally at elite levels globally however the reliability, consistency and validity is often compromised at sub-elite, development and community levels nationally. Professor Hans Westerbeek and Mr Graham Dudley will probe key elements of what makes testing purposeful, reliable and how positive changes can be made to widen the professionalism around testing procedures, data management and distribution, education and using clean results to identify talent and weaknesses for development strategies across all codes and the link between sports and wellness tracking. This presentation incorporates empathy to athletes, coaches and sport scientists alike to really drill down on the "why?"

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