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Sports Technology and Applied Research Symposium

Metascience in Sport - Research Quality and Risk of Bias in Sports Science and Medicine

Date: 15 November 2023

Presenter: John Warmenhoven, University of Technology Sydney/Australian Institute of Sport


In a first, the AIS has commissioned a Post Doctoral research fellow to conduct research focused on metascience in sport science and medicine studies. Specifically, the project will explore avenues for improving the quality of scientific research in competitive sport.

This project will introduce the concept of meta-science to the sport community, demonstrate why this is necessary for sport, and provide some potential avenues for how sport science and medicine research could progress in the future.


John is a research fellow in meta-science in sport at the University of Technology, Sydney and the AIS. John comes originally from an applied background in sports biomechanics and human movement research, before transitioning into analytical and data-science roles inside and outside of sport.

He is interested in communication and knowledge transfer of different analytical concepts and processes between theoretical and applied areas of work. His research fellowship is focused on improving the quality of research and science conducted in sport, to help scientists and coaches make better decisions.

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