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Sports Technology and Applied Research Symposium

The Numbers Matter - but which ones?


02 Dec 2020


Mr Barry Dancer OLY
Dr Ric Charlesworth OLY, AO

The book, World’s Best — Coaching with the Kookaburras and the Hockeyroos by Ric Charlesworth contains a chapter entitled, ‘The Numbers Matter’. In that chapter, Charlesworth describes the perceived division between sports scientists and, ‘…the instinctive and pragmatic coach’, where he observes that there is sometimes a tension between the ‘analytical boffins’ and coaches. Charlesworth points to the common high performance debate as to whether coaching is more art than science. Charlesworth proceeds to outline how the capabilities to measure performance have increased over time using various scientific methods and technologies.

In this session with Ric Charlesworth and Barry Dancer, two master coaches, discuss what are the numbers that matter most, and how do coaches and their support teams determine what elements of performance should be measured, modelled and enhanced.

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