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The Secrets to Optimal Coaching Success: the role of experience, optimal performance practices and outcome in the real-world

The role of the sciences in sport, as a whole, has been disputed up until now, and its indirect proponents tied to performance optimisation. This is no more. The Secrets to Optimal Coaching Success brings forward the sciences as a whole and presents a cohesion of the often complex presented jargon into a simplified and refined format for the real-world, with coaches, players/athletes and parents at the forefront. Near refuted up until now, the diversification of the optimal performance spectrum begins to shed light on the facets that truly count in developing optimal performance parameters. The habitual characteristics of optimal coaching success is identified through the text, embedded inside each respective segment, a direct result of the latest scientific findings in the real-world. With established, and heightened significance to the sports coaching world, The Secrets to Optimal Coaching Success begins to unravel the road ahead and the expectations on the line to reach optimal success. Tied with direct and indirect relationships presented, and various coaching pedagogic traits, the secrets are progressively discussed with application and function at its core.

Project Owner: AM8 International
Year commenced: 2012
Year completed: 2018
Status: Completed
Project ID: ID-230420-8239


Title: The Secrets to Optimal Coaching Success: the role of experience, optimal performance practices and outcome in the real-world
Type Other
Access/Audience: Licenced
Date: March 2018

Project owner

Contact Name: Dr Ashley M Berge
Contact Information:
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