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Car egine start button This brief exploration into some key trends impacting Australian organised sport participation has revealed both worrying trends but also valuable opportunities. COVID-19 has influenced many aspects of society and some new habits or behaviours may be long-term.

While many Australians will likely return to pre-pandemic habits and organised sport will also return to 'normal', the question is, 'is that the best outcome?' Has the pandemic provided sport with a pathway to rebuild, address long-standing trends and adapt to meet modern demands?

The trends identified within this assessment are not exclusive; but they do appear prominent and provide Australian sport with a guide as to areas of possible risk and opportunity.

Further exploration into these trends is recommended to better understand how they might affect the diverse range of sports, and sport participants. To learn to live with COVID-19 and identify how sport might emerge from the pandemic more resilient and more relevant to contemporary consumers.

When consolidating the research and evidence, there are at least three areas of focus for sport to consider in the future.

Cohort focus

The current trends suggest sport organisations should focus on fostering positive experiences to retain existing and returning, players and volunteers.

Contemporary focus

Sport can play a valuable role in the lives of Australians but only if it meets social needs and appeals to a busy, diverse community.

Cost focus

How can Australian governments and the sector reduce cost related barriers to support more Australians accessing sport and sporting organisations?


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