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Sports Technology and Applied Research Symposium

Precision Performance Technologies: Measurement and prediction of cognitive and physical performance


26 Nov 2020


Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Nanoscale BioPhotonics
University of Adelaide Psychology
Defence Science and Technology Group

It is currently not possible to predict if someone was going to have a “bad day” or to provide immediate notifications that an individual’s current level of exertion is going to lead to a loss of physical or cognitive performance. Such measures would have immediate value in elite sport and defence service personnel settings. Clearly this is a multifactorial challenge as optimal physical and psychological performance is impacted by exogenous threats, changes in endogenous physiology, or by an interaction of the two.

Unfortunately, past performance may not be a reliable predictor for current or future performance. Therefore, a solution is needed that can combine prediction of performance and real time biofeedback of multiple physiological systems and the cumulative impact these have on performance. Importantly, this information needs to produce actionable information in a timely and economical fashion. To tackle this goal a convergence science team have been assembled that draw upon advances in human physiology, psychoneuroimmunology, bioinformatics and sensor technology. This presentation provides an overview of the key outcomes of the recently completed “performance patch trial”.

The presentation offers contextual meaning and relevance — regarding both Defence and elite sports - for the technologies that are paving the way for a future ‘fit and forget’ Performance Patch.

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